
The body of Christ is called to be about the flourishing of our communities and commerce is one of the ways this happens.  At Mission Studio we believe that being involved in commerce is not a lower calling than "professional ministry", instead it is just another version of professional ministry.  Thus, we seek to equip our community with the following tools which are the best we can find to help us to create commerce.    

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Local Tools

Through partnership with individuals, communities, and churches, our Startup Training Sites provide training and support for local entrepreneurs. We look for gospel-driven partners with deep roots in their community that will allow them to understand local needs and build credibility with entrepreneurs.

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Virtual Tools

Many aspiring and early-stage entrepreneurs want their businesses to take the gospel to the ends of the earth and create a positive social impact. Yet many of them lack the support structures to succeed. To meet this need, we provide two programs to equip them with the skills and support they need to successfully run and grow their businesses.

Pastoral Tools

Many businessmen need a safe place to think through multiple bottom line ideas, management techniques, personal dilemmas, and interpersonal conflict.  Mission Studio has multiple pastors, spiritual directors, and just wise people who are willing to spend time thinking through ideas and helping you align your vision and actions with that of our savior.